Broward College Collective Bargaining Agreement 2017

In 2017, Broward College negotiated a new collective bargaining agreement with its faculty union. The agreement, which was approved by both parties, outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the faculty members at the college.

One of the key provisions of the collective bargaining agreement is the salary schedule. The new agreement provides for an increase in the minimum base salary for full-time faculty members, as well as the establishment of a merit pay system where faculty members can earn additional compensation based on their performance.

The agreement also includes provisions related to workload and workload reassignment. Faculty members have the right to be notified in writing of any changes to their workload, and they have the right to negotiate for additional compensation if their workload increases beyond what is stipulated in the agreement.

Another important provision of the agreement is related to academic freedom and shared governance. The agreement recognizes the importance of academic freedom for faculty members and outlines the college`s commitment to shared governance, which ensures that faculty members have a voice in the decision-making processes at the college.

The collective bargaining agreement also includes provisions related to benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and professional development opportunities. Faculty members have the right to participate in the college`s health insurance and retirement plans, and they have access to professional development opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Overall, the collective bargaining agreement between Broward College and its faculty union is designed to promote fair and equitable treatment of faculty members, while also ensuring that the college can attract and retain high-quality educators. The agreement provides for a competitive compensation package, as well as provisions for workload, academic freedom, and benefits. With this agreement in place, Broward College can continue to provide a high-quality education to its students while also supporting its faculty members.



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